
Scripts wanted – Fox Media – Limited-Loc. Dramas, Male Role

July 18, 2009

We are looking for completed feature-length limited-location drama scripts with a strong male adult (age 25 and up) role that are adaptable to Denmark. We are a Danish-based production company, so please do not submit material that would not work if shot in Denmark, i.e. no famous landmarks or stories that are specific to non-Denmark pop culture. By limited locations, we mean stories that are set in 6 or fewer locations. We are looking for stories with universal themes and a gripping emotional conflict for the male lead role. In other words, we like stories in the vein of “The Wrestler,” “A Beautiful Mind,” “Revolutionary Road” and ‘Repulsion.”

Budget will not exceed $500,000 US. Only non-WG writers may submit.

Our credits include “The Core.”

To submit to this lead, please go to:

Enter your email address.

Copy/Paste this code: p4ttvzhrwv

NOTE: Please only submit your work if it fits what the lead is looking for exactly. If you aren’t sure if your script fits, please ask InkTip first.

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